The Biden Administration Makes A Massive Investment In Infrastructure Through The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

As of the second anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (November, 2023), the amount of money spent and projects that have been initiated is unprecedented. As opposed to President Trump’s frequent announcements of “Infrastructure Week” when nothing actually happened, President Joe Biden has, as of last year, deployed nearly $400 Billion on over 40,000 projects in 4,500 communities around the country. A partial list of areas of projects is here. It includes roads and bridges, rail, ports and waterways, electricity, and transit rail, among other things.


The May, 2024 Jobs Report Continues The Biden Administration’s Remarkable Run

The numbers are in for May, 2024, and President Joe Biden’s economy continues to hum along. The US added 272,000 non-farm jobs, far exceeding expectations of around 190,000. Forbes magazine puts it this way, “The Biden Administration’s robust and durable track record on jobs and unemployment is breaking records, putting up some of the best results we’ve seen in half a century.” The unemployment rate ticked up to 4%, breaking the streak of 27 straight months under 4%, but, continuing to 30 months the streak of 4% or lower unemployment rates, the longest such stretch in 50 years. Additionally, average hourly earnings went up again, 0.4%, for a total of 4.1% over the last 12 months.


With Help From The Biden Administration, Workers At Georgia School Bus Manufacturer Approve First Union Contract

With the help of President Joe Biden’s acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, union members approved a labor contract with Blue Bird Corp. From ABC News :”The union said the contract will provide all 1,500 covered workers with at least a 12% raise, with some of the lowest-paid workers getting raises of more than 40%. The union says the company will contribute to a retirement plan for workers, share profits, and improve health and safety.”


Stock Markets Hit All Time Highs Again May 15, 2024

Despite GOP predictions of recession and other economic disasters, all three major indices, the Dow 30, NASDAQ, and the S&P hit all-time highs this week. While it is true that the stock market is not the true measure of the economy, first of all, it’s certainly better for it to be up than down, and, second, much of the boost in the last few days is on the news of the cooling inflation. With unemployment under 4% nationally for the last 27 months, and wages rising faster than inflation for the last year, the economy is strong across the board.


Biden Brings Nevada and California $3 Billion In Funding For The Rail Line Connecting The Los Angeles Area With Las Vegas

President Joe Biden secured $3 Billion in funding for the high-speed rail connecting Los Angeles with Las Vegas. It will be a 2 hour ride from Rancho Cucamonga in the Inland Empire to Las Vegas. He also announced $3 Billion in funding for the rail line that could ultimately connect Los Angeles and San Francisco, currently being built in the California Central Valley. The train to Las Vegas will alleviate frequent traffic problems and reduce carbon emissions, increasing access to Vegas.


Biden Announces $8.5 Billion Investment In Chip Manufacturing, Heavily Weighted Towards Arizona

President Joe Biden announced his $8.5 billion investment in Intel chip manufacturing plants, courtesy of the CHIPS and Science Act. This investment, along with many others like it, will create high paying jobs (many without the need of a college education) in Arizona and elsewhere. It is also part of the long term solution to the supply chain problems the US suffered at the beginning of Biden’s presidency.


Biden Celebrates $3.3 Billion Investment By Microsoft In AI Data Center In Wisconsin

President Joe Biden took a moment to announce the investment by Microsoft for a facility to be built on the failed FoxConn site the previous president promised would be the 8th wonder of the world, but never materialized. Microsoft president Brad Smith told the crowd that Biden’s policies, especially the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and CHIPS and Science Act, helped make this investment possible. It is expected to create thousands of jobs and train 100,000 Wisconsonites in AI technologies for future job opportunities.


MIllions Of Workers Will Qualify For Overtime Starting July 1, 2024, And Millions More On January 1, 2025

President Joe Biden’s Department of Labor has released a rule that will increase the amount of salary a worker can earn and be eligible for overtime pay. Currently, if you earn more than $35,568 (less than $3,000 per month) as a salaried worker, you are not eligible for overtime pay. As of July 1, 2024, that number will be $43,888, and, as of January 1, 2025, the salary threshold below which you are entitled to overtime after 40 hours of work in a week will be $58,656. After that, starting January 1, 2027, the rate will be adjusted every 3 years. This new rule is expected to affect approximately 4 million workers.


Job Growth Continues, While Slowing, As Hoped For By The Federal Reserve

The April jobs report is out, and it is what the Fed was hoping for. Job growth continues under President Joe Biden, but has slowed a bit more than expected. The economy added 175,000 jobs in April, keeping that number well over 15 million jobs added under the Biden Administration. The unemployment rate rose to 3.9%, making it 27 straight months of unemployment under 4%, the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in over 50 years. With unemployment low and wages rising faster than inflation, the benefits of the Biden economy are being felt across America. This was precisely the news the Fed is looking for to help keep inflation down as it looks for opportunities to cut rates.


President Biden Fires Anti-Labor General Counsel Of The NLRB On Day 1 Of His Administration

Today is May Day, also known as International Workers Day! On January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden asked for the resignation of Peter Robb. When Robb refused, he fired him. Robb was famously anti-union and was appointed by the previous president. His anti-union bonafides go all the way back to litigating against the Air Traffic Controllers under President Reagan, in what was the opening salvo in the war against unions that has gone on for since 1981. As already detailed here, the Biden Administration has made it a priority to reverse that trend.


State By State Unemployment Rates Are Historically Low

As of today, April 24, 2024, 13 states have unemployment rates under 3%, and 37 states have unemployment rates under 4%. See the state by state rates here. In fact, 34 of the 50 states have hit their lowest unemployment rates during the administration of President Joe Biden.


March’s Blockbuster Jobs Report Exceeds Wall Street’s Expectations

March’s Jobs data is in, and it is, again, very good news. Thanks to President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy, including several major pieces of legislation like the CHIPS and Sciences Act, the economy added 303,000 non-farm jobs in the month of March. That brings to over 15 million the number of jobs added to the economy since Biden became president. Not only that, but the unemployment rate dropped to 3.8%, extending what was already the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment since the 1960s.


Biden Is The First Sitting President To Stand On A Picket Line

Last September, President Joe Biden joined United Auto Workers on the picket line in Michigan, the first for any US president. The strike was against the Big 3 auto manufacturers. Not only did that strike result in at least a 25% pay raise for striking auto workers, including an immediate 11% raise, it also “inspired” major global auto makers that weren’t targets of the strike, including Nissan, Hyundai, and Honda to raise wages to their American workers across the board.


Biden Is Cracking Down On Monopolies Unlike Previous Administrations, Both Republican And Democrat

Among President Joe Biden’s campaign promises was to fight back against the monopolistic practices of the major power brokers in this country. He has delivered and continues to work towards fulfilling these promises. He has done so with executive actions, Federal litigation, and the NLRB. He has prepared an aggressive agenda for 2024, so let’s keep watching to see how that goes.


Biden Continues Historic Jobs Run With Strong February, 2024 Jobs Report

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a stronger than expected addition of 275,000 jobs in February. While the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%, experts argue that this means more people are entering the job market. And, in staying under 4% for the 25th straight month, the economy hits its longest stretch under 4% in over 50 years. This was also the 38th consecutive month of job growth, the 5th longest on record.


The CHIPS and Science Act Jumpstarts The Tech And Manufacturing Sectors

In August, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, designed to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation. The act invests $280 billion to bolster US semiconductor capacity, catalyze R&D, and create regional high-tech hubs and a bigger, more inclusive STEM workforce. Almost immediately after Biden signed it, the private sector promised investment of over $200 billion in tech and manufacturing. The economy has gained manufacturing jobs at a pace not seen since the 1950s.



Biden Achieves Record Employment

When President Joe Biden became president, the unemployment rate was 6.4%.  By the end of his first year in office, the rate had fallen to 3.9%. 

After going back up to 4.0 in January, 2022, the unemployment rate has been below 4% every month since. 

That’s two straight years.  That is a historically-long stretch of great unemployment numbers. 

For you numbers people, check this out. 

Also, in January, 2023, the unemployment rate dropped to its lowest level since the 1960s!


Biden Wrangles $1.2 Trillion for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs

In November, 2021 President Joe Biden succeeded in convincing a reluctant Senate to pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. 

This legislation was a $1.2 trillion bipartisan package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport, and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems.


Biden’s Record On Jobs Is Historic — In A Good Way

There are going to be a bunch of jobs posts. Here’s the first.
  • When President Joe Biden took over the presidency from 45, the unemployment rate was 6.4%.
  • By the end of 2021, the rate fell to 3.9%, was 4% in January, 2022, and has been below 4% for the last 24 months.
  • This is a historically low sustained unemployment rate.

And it’s still going. The January, 2024 jobs report was very encouraging, as employment is surging.

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